
Friday, June 17, 2016

I Am a Child of God

 Can I just say once more how much I love posting on this blog? Its my favourite!
So I've been thinking a lot about our divine nature; and with that the love that we have from our Father in Heaven.
What does it mean to be a child of God?
For me this is best said in Romans 8:16 which says, "16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:" I love this because it is through the Spirit that we are able to learn about the truths of God. And one of those truths is that we are His children.
An image of a hiker combined with a quote by Elder Hallstrom: “It is essential that our preeminent identity is as a child of God.”As I have learned about the divine nature that I have I have come to know and feel of the great love that God has for me. And in turn the great love that He has for each of us.
He knows you personally and loves you through everything that you go through. Never doubt for a single moment that you matter to Him, because you do. If you did not matter to Him, He would not have sent His only Begotten Son to suffer and die for your sins, temptations, pains, and afflictions (see John 3:16).
Many people ask, "If God loves all of His children, why does He let bad things happen?"
This is truly a hard question. The answer to which is again found in the scriptures. In Alma 34:32 (found in the Book of Mormon) we read, 32 For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." We are here on Earth to prepare to return to live with our Father in Heaven. We are able to prepare through the experiences, trials, good times, and bad times. They all work together to help us learn and grow.
I know that understanding that I am a Child of God has been a great blessing in my life in helping me know that He is truly there for me Every. Step. Of. The. Way. God loves you and He loves me. And He loves all of us, and this love stems from Him being your Father and Mine.

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